Astronomy Pages
These following images where taken with My Meade DSI II Colour CCD on my 150mm f/5 150mm Reflector Mounted on a NEQ6 Pro Skywatch mount and guided by the use of a Orion Starshoot Autoguider on a Celestron 70mm f/6 Refractor which is piggybacked on my 150mm
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Custom Water Cooled Meade DSI II Colour CCD Camera Esky for ice water supply with 12v pump
NGC 6514 - The Trifid Nebula - M20
(Emission & Reflection Nebula in Sagittarius)
Meade DSI II Colour - 150mm f/5 Newtonian Reflector
Skywatch SynScan NEQ6 Pro GoTo Guided Mount
10 x 480sec BW Fits
6 x 480sec RGB Fits
Taken On The 06/09/2012 AEST
Distance approx 5,000 Light Years
Redcliffe Observatory
NGC 7293
(Helix Nebula)
(Planetary Nebula in Aquarius)
Meade DSI II Colour - 150mm f/5 Newtonian Reflector
Skywatch SynScan NEQ6 Pro GoTo Starshoot Auto Guided Mount
15 x 600sec B&W Fits
15 x 600sec RGB Fits
Taken over the period /09/2012 to /10/12 During Transit
Redcliffe Observatory
Distance approx 700 Light Years
NGC 253
(Silver Dollar)
(Spiral Galaxy in Sculptor)
Meade DSI II Colour - 150mm f/5 Newtonian Reflector
Skywatch SynScan NEQ6 Pro GoTo Starshoot Auto Guided Mount
10 x 900sec B&W Fits - Light Pollution Filter
10 x 900sec RGB Fits - Light Pollution Filter
Taken over the period of /10/12 During Transit
Redcliffe Observatory
Distance approx 11,400,000 Light Years
NGC 1365
(Great Barred Spiral)
(Spiral Galaxy in Fornax)
Meade DSI II Colour - 150mm f/5 Newtonian Reflector
Skywatch SynScan NEQ6 Pro GoTo Starshoot Auto Guided Mount
10 x 600sec B&W Fits
10 x 600sec RGB Fits
Taken over the period of /8/12 /9/12 During Transit
Redcliffe Observatory
Distance approx 56,000,000 Light Years
NGC 1399 & NGC1404
(Elliptical Galaxies in Fornax)
Meade DSI II Colour - 150mm f/5 Newtonian Reflector
Skywatch SynScan NEQ6 Pro GoTo Starshoot Auto Guided Mount
15x 600sec B&W Fits
15x 600sec RGB Fits
Taken over the period of /08/12 - /09/12 During Transit
Redcliffe Observatory
Distance approx 62,000,000 Light Years
NGC 613
(Herschel H28-1)
(Barred Spiral Galaxy in Sculptor)
Meade DSI II Colour - 150mm f/5 Newtonian Reflector
Skywatch SynScan NEQ6 Pro GoTo Starshoot Auto Guided Mount
8 x 480sec B&W Fits
Taken over the period of /08/12 - /09/12 During Transit
Redcliffe Observatory
Distance approx 60,000,000 Light Years
NGC 300
(Cardwell 70)
(Spiral Galaxy in Sculptor)
Meade DSI II Colour - 150mm f/5 Newtonian Reflector
Skywatch SynScan NEQ6 Pro GoTo Starshoot Auto Guided Mount
8 x 600sec & 15 x 300sec B&W Fits
9 x 600sec RGB Fits
Taken over the period of /08/12 - /09/12 During Transit
Redcliffe Observatory
Distance approx 6,000,000 Light Years
NGC 249
(Nebula's in the neighbouring Small Magellanic Cloud galaxy)
Meade DSI II Colour - 150mm f/5 Newtonian Reflector
Skywatch SynScan NEQ6 Pro GoTo Starshoot Auto Guided Mount
6 x 700sec B&W Fits / Light Pollution Filter
Taken 25/12/12 During Transit
Redcliffe Observatory
Distance approx 197,000 Light Years
NGC 346
(the brightest star-forming region in the neighbouring Small Magellanic Cloud galaxy)
Meade DSI II Colour - 150mm f/5 Newtonian Reflector
Skywatch SynScan NEQ6 Pro GoTo Starshoot Auto Guided Mount
6 x 700sec LRGB Fits / Light Pollution Filter
Taken 25/12/12 During Transit
Redcliffe Observatory
Distance approx 210,000 Light Years
NGC 104
(Globular Cluster in Tucana - 47 Tucanae )
Meade DSI II Colour - 150mm f/5 Newtonian Reflector
Skywatch SynScan NEQ6 Pro GoTo Starshoot Auto Guided Mount
6 x 240sec BW Fits / Light Pollution Filter
Taken 25/12/12 During Transit
Redcliffe Observatory
Distance approx 16,700 Light Years
NGC 55
(Spiral Galaxy in Sculptor)
Meade DSI II Colour - 150mm f/5 Newtonian Reflector
Skywatch SynScan NEQ6 Pro GoTo Starshoot Auto Guided Mount
4 x 900sec BW Fits / Light Pollution Filter
Taken 23/10/12 During Transit
Redcliffe Observatory
Distance approx 7,200,00 Light Years
NGC 1952 - M1
(Crab Nebula)
(supernova remnant - in Taurus)
Meade DSI II Colour - 150mm f/5 Newtonian Reflector
Skywatch SynScan NEQ6 Pro GoTo Starshoot Auto Guided Mount
15 x 700sec B&W Fits
7 x 700sec RGB Fits
Taken over the period of /10/12 /12/12 During Transit
Redcliffe Observatory
Distance approx 6,523 Light Years
Barnard 33
(Horse Head Nebula)
(Dark Nebula in Orion)
Meade DSI II Colour - 150mm f/5 Newtonian Reflector
Skywatch SynScan NEQ6 Pro GoTo Starshoot Auto Guided Mount
6 x 900sec B&W Fits With Light Pollution Filter
5 x 900sec RGB Fits With Light Pollution Filter
Taken on the nights of 10/02/13 - 11/02/13 During Transit
Redcliffe Observatory
Distance approx 1,600 Light Years
NGC 2997
(Spiral Galaxy in Antila)
Meade DSI II Colour - 150mm f/5 Newtonian Reflector
Skywatch SynScan NEQ6 Pro GoTo Starshoot Auto Guided Mount
20 x 600sec & 10 x 900sec B&W Fits
12 x 600sec RGB Fits
Taken over the period of /01/13 - /03/13 During Transit
Redcliffe Observatory
Distance approx 40,000,000 Light Years
NGC 3351 - M95
(Spiral Galaxy in Leo)
Meade DSI II Colour - 150mm f/5 Newtonian Reflector
Skywatch SynScan NEQ6 Pro GoTo Starshoot Auto Guided Mount
18 x 600sec B&W Fits
21 x 600sec RGB Fits
Taken over the period of /03/13 - /04/13 During Transit
Redcliffe Observatory
Distance approx 32,600,000 Light Years
NGC 4945
(Spiral Galaxy in Centaurus)
Meade DSI II Colour - 150mm f/5 Newtonian Reflector
Skywatch SynScan NEQ6 Pro GoTo Starshoot Auto Guided Mount
28 x 600sec B&W Fits
Taken over the period of 04/13 During Transit
Redcliffe Observatory
Distance approx 11,700,000 Light Years
NGC 4565 Needle Galaxy
(Spiral Galaxy in Coma Berenices)
Meade DSI II Colour - 150mm f/5 Newtonian Reflector
Skywatch SynScan NEQ6 Pro GoTo Starshoot Auto Guided Mount
10 x 600sec B&W Fits
16 x RGB 600sec Fits
Taken over the period of 04/13 During Transit
Redcliffe Observatory
Distance approx 42,700,000 Light Years
NGC 6027 / a,b,c,d
(Seyfert's Sextet Galaxies in Serpens)
Meade DSI II Colour - 150mm f/5 Newtonian Reflector
Skywatch SynScan NEQ6 Pro GoTo Starshoot Auto Guided Mount
21 x 800sec B&W Fits
12 x 900sec RGB Fits
Taken over the period of 04/13 to 05/05/2013 During Transit
Redcliffe Observatory
Distance approx 190,000,000 Light Years
NGC607d = 877,000,000 Light Years - Little yellow round one in the middle - another record for myself as regards to distance.
NGC 5236 - M83
(Southern pinwheel)
(Spiral Galaxy in Hydra)
Meade DSI II Colour - 150mm f/5 Newtonian Reflector
Skywatch SynScan NEQ6 Pro GoTo Starshoot Auto Guided Mount
11 x 600sec B&W Fits
4 x 900sec RGB Fits with Light Pollution Filter
Taken On The 13/02/13, 15/03/13 During Transit
Redcliffe Observatory
Distance approx 15,000,000 Light Years
NGC 4594 - M104
(Sombre Galaxy)
(Spiral Galaxy in Virgo)
Meade DSI II Colour - 150mm f/5 Newtonian Reflector
Skywatch SynScan NEQ6 Pro GoTo Starshoot Auto Guided Mount
16 x 600sec B&W Fits
7 x 600sec RGB Fits
Taken 05/2013 - /06/2013 During Transit
Redcliffe Observatory
Distance approx 29,300,000 Light Years
NGC5426 & NGC5427
(Interacting Spiral Galaxies - in Virgo)
Meade DSI II Colour - 150mm f/5 Newtonian Reflector
Skywatch SynScan NEQ6 Pro GoTo Starshoot Auto Guided Mount
21 x 600sec B&W Fits
12x 600sec RGB Fits
Taken 05/2013 - /06/2013 During Transit
Redcliffe Observatory
Distance approx 90,300,000 Light Years
NGC 6118
(Spiral Galaxy in Serpens Caput)
Meade DSI II Colour - 150mm f/5 Newtonian Reflector
Skywatch SynScan NEQ6 Pro GoTo Starshoot Auto Guided Mount
28 x 600sec B&W Fits
4 x 600sec RGB Fits
Taken 05/2013 - /06/2013 During Transit
Redcliffe Observatory
Distance approx 82,900,000 Light Years
(Spiral Galaxy - SBb, in Pavo)
Meade DSI II Colour - 150mm f/5 Newtonian Reflector
(Last Photo with this OTA)
Skywatch SynScan NEQ6 Pro GoTo Starshoot Auto Guided Mount
20 x 600sec BW Fits
13 x 600sec RGB Fits
Taken 05/2013 - /06/2013 During Transit
Redcliffe Observatory
Distance approx 25 Million Light Years
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